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Monday, September 19, 2011

House Party

I am so excited!! I won a chance to host a Chef Boyardee "Be The Chef" House Party!! We got our party pack a few days ago, and I have not had a  moment to go through it....but now I HAVE!!! I LOVE IT!!

We received A Chef Boyardee Chef's Hat, recipes, coupons to share, notepads to share, and many more goodies!! My evite will go out this week, and I will be posting pictures after the event!! We are so excited!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"I feel right, ,Brian...I feel right..."

If there are any Family Guy enthusiasts out there in Cyperspace...then you get this =)

I feel good. I feel right. I have been working on my basement, and setting it up all afternoon for my son. We had quite a fun day. We built a tent (Cueva as Peanut referred to it) with a tunnel. I took an old mattress pad and laid it on the inside so it would be a little more comfortable than the rug. He took some of his stuffed animals and pillows and placed them on the inside, and kept telling the cats to "follow him" into the Cueva. We would take turns hiding, and playing. He found some old stuffed animals of ours and has now claimed them for his own. (and that is okay...)

Little by little the basement is taking shape into a classroom. Hopefully soon I can get my hands on some "vida practica" items--for dramatic play, and a small bookshelf for his books. We have the Art Room set up (pics to follow tomorrow), and our mat for reading time and Music time. I figured his tent area can be his quite area for him to "read" to his stuffed animals and the cats, or spend time hanging out.

It's all taking shape...I am very excited...."I feel right!"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"And Here We Go..."

So my friend over at A Teacher's Treasure, has been walking me through this process. All the years I have known her (10) and I didn't realize how creative she was!!

I am a stay at home mommy, who is looking to return to teaching. As I have been digging through my boxes, and organizing my garage, I realize how much I miss being in the classroom. :( There is also this job, called MOMMY!! And that is a full time job in it of itself! So...until something comes my way, I am going to turn my basement into a preschool, and get my "teaching fix" that way!

I have plans of adding a page dedicated to my "Favorite Place on Earth--DISNEY!!! Living in Florida, my hubby and I , and our friends, went very often.Now living in Indiana...not so much. So, I have to get my fix somehow. Our son has not gone, and will not go until he is at least him a chance to enjoy it and remember it. I still remember my first trip at 7, and it is some of the best memories I have with my grandmothers!

There will also be a page dedicated to teaching ideas, tips and websites. I have many ideas, lesson plans, sheets that I love to share, and so...that is what I will be doing. My third page will be dedicated to Recipes and deals. A few of my friends and my family  love to cook, and we share ideas back and this is where you can find them too!

As time progresses, I am sure there will be new pages and ideas. I am also open to ideas! =) So...feel free to find us on Facebook and Twitter and leave us your feedback. (Facebook works, but it hasn't "gone live" just yet)...

Your Partner in Education--Ms. V