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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My first 5K!

I cannot believe it! I did it! I ran my first 5K!! I admit, I had minimal training, but what an amazing feeling to get one done! Thanks to RunDisney's Virtual Running Shorts, I was able to sign up, and get it done when it worked for me! I didn't have to take time off work, or travel somewhere special. I just got up, looked at the weather and said "Today is the day" and off I went.

I have signed up to complete the 3 months of races--June, July and August.

I went on the ever favorite, Pinterest, and searched for Disney Running Playlists. The ideas were endless. I spent a few hours creating a playlist, and boom, I was ready to go! Of course, I have now discovered that Spotify had s list as well! So, we know what I will be running with in July...

I do not have much advice, except stretch before you run--like a lot! And maybe, have a foam roller handy for when you finish.

I will be posting more as I go, but...hurray for me!!